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Journal Archives

2017-2018 Honors journal

One year ago, in May 2017, we met with Rebecca Woolston regarding the future of the Honors Journal. Since 2015, when we first started as first years in the Honors Program, we have been dreaming of completely revamping it and turning it into a serious publication. Our mission was to showcase Honors students and the work they are most proud of, including work from Honors classes, work from outside Honors classes, and independent hobbies. Luckily, Rebecca was there to guide us through this process. She showed us how to find editors, how to gain submissions, and how to manage a team. This year, we have a final product to showcase for you and it’s all thanks to Rebecca Woolston.

2018-2019 Honors Journal

Four years ago, in the Spring of 2015, we were getting ready to graduate from high school. Neither of us anticipated the fun, stressful, and transformative times that were ahead of us. We first met during Honors Welcome Day in 2015 where we became fast friends. We then added Dr. Simpson’s History 15H class together, the two of us among four freshmen in the class. Dr. Simpson saw our potential and asked us to be editors of the Honors Journal, which once flourished but was not maintained. We want to thank Dr. Simpson for presenting us with the wonderful opportunity to create something beautiful for students. We feel so honored that she saw such promise in us as first years. We agreed, but we did not have the tools to fully revive the Journal yet.

2019-2020 Honors Journal

When we accepted the positions of co-executive editors from Lianna Anderson and Maria Sandhu last year, nothing could have prepared us for what the 2019 - 2020 academic year would hold. We were determined to take over the journal and continue developing it, even with a few bumps in the road at the end of Spring semester.  This journal issue focuses on the topic of Vulnerability. When our team of editors met to discuss the theme for the issue, we wanted something broad yet focused. When our co-executive editor, Tatum DeMarco suggested Vulnerability, we knew it was the perfect topic. The decision was unanimous. To be vulnerable is to be raw, authentic, and open, without a wall of protection. Being vulnerable means stepping into uncomfortable places and pressing into the unknown. 

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