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science, technology, engineering, and mathematics

Mina Aljibori

"should there be a national mask-wearing mandate to prevent the spread of sars-cov-2?"

          There are a few things that every individual in the world has experienced, one of the most current ones is living through a pandemic. The vast and quick spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has caused a change in many countries not only in terms of the increased strain on healthcare and the amount of deaths but the different regulations that are being enforced to prevent the spread of the virus, ones that we have seen in our communities. One of the biggest and most controversial mandates in the United Stated that have been enforced in the past ten months is the mandatory mask mandated. That each individual is required to wear a mask if they are in a public setting surrounded by individuals that are not a part of their household. This mandate was made to reduce airborne transmission of the virus, reducing the chances of it spreading to you or to the people around you. The argument for mask emphasizes how having this mandate will reduce the spread of the virus, keep you and everyone around you safe, allowing the economy to recover from the first lock down and redefine collective and personal freedoms. In theory, a mask mandated should be welcomed by the public because it would reduce the transmission of the virus and elevate the stress that many are having when it comes to getting the virus but this condition many have frowned upon the new mandate. The main arguments against the mask mandate that had made the public not fully accept the mandate was that it restricted their breathing, imploded on their rights and their overall freedom and negatively affected many aspects of their lives including education. After researching many peer reviewed articles regarding the subject of whether we should have a national mask mandate to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 or not, the overall scientific consensus agrees with the mandate. It argued that it would not only keep communities safe but it would speed rescue the economic downfall that many individuals have faced due to the pandemic. Many of the articles also discussed the idea of the masks restricting one's breathing, discussing why one might feel that way and ways to prevent that. Other articles also discussed how they are causing infective learning environments that reduce one’s ability to interact with their peers and fully engage in the material at hand. For this paper the two arguments for and against the mask mandate will be assessed based on scientific and peer reviewed views and the views of the public.

manar karzoun

"end-of-life care considerations for pediatric patients"

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