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Letter from the Editors

          This past year and ongoing pandemic has shaken, stirred, and uprooted our lives. Our realities were shifted and our perception of “normal” shattered. As a team, we were forced to work and meet remotely, despite depending on physical interactions and events to promote and build the journal. We had ambitions to take the journal to another level, incorporating monthly releases to build our platform, that we suddenly needed to question. This year challenged us to see how far we were willing to go and how much we were willing to put in.


          Amid the chaos and division, students chose to rummage through the ashes to find something beautiful. From Honors classes, major classes, or even outside hobbies, the urge to continue working and creating lived within us all. At a prominent time in our lives that usually calls for exploration and wonder of the world, we instead retreated to find the same within ourselves. These remarkable students have demonstrated outstanding perseverance, commitment, and resilience. We want to thank all the students who submitted to this publishment and supported the journal throughout the year. We do this for you, and would not be able to continue without your support.


          Thank you to our amazing editors: Christella Maldonado, the Creative Writing editor, Lea Clark, the Essay editor, Jenna Williamson, the Multimedia editor, and Kevin Cote, the STEM editor. You all did amazing work this year, from handling our confusing scheduling, learning new platforms, and keeping up with the workload. We also would like to give a special thanks to Martin Manseau, who's continuous support and aid behind the scenes guides us in the right direction to continue and work hard. We would have been at a loss without all of your help. 


          As Samaria and I prepare to graduate, we are passing the torch down with great confidence. Our time working with the journal has been fun, but we cannot wait to see where you all take it next. With great honor, we present the contributors of the 2020 - 2021 Honors Journal Release: Resilience.




Tatum DeMarco and Samaria Sylvester

Co-Executive Editors

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