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Letter from the Editors

When we accepted the positions of co-executive editors from Lianna Anderson and Maria Sandhu last year, nothing could have prepared us for what the 2019 - 2020 academic year would hold. We were determined to take over the journal and continue developing it, even with a few bumps in the road at the end of Spring semester.  This journal issue focuses on the topic of Vulnerability. When our team of editors met to discuss the theme for the issue, we wanted something broad yet focused. When our co-executive editor, Tatum DeMarco suggested Vulnerability, we knew it was the perfect topic. The decision was unanimous. To be vulnerable is to be raw, authentic, and open, without a wall of protection. Being vulnerable means stepping into uncomfortable places and pressing into the unknown. 


As college students, we are expected to perform at a high level of excellence. We are supposed to be punctual, respectful, and attentive, while also critical thinkers, innovative, and open-minded. In our pursuit of these goals, we often neglect to let loose and release tension; we neglect to consider our own well being. Given the recent pandemic, the raw emotion we have all experienced is unlike any other. The topic of Vulnerability allows students the freedom to let loose creatively and mentally; to perform without a rubric to discover something new inside.


Thank you to our amazing editors, Christella Maldonado, the Creative Writing editor, Jenna Williamson, the Multimedia editor, Lea Clark, the essay editor, and Safia Ansari, the STEM editor. We also would like to give a special thanks to Martin Manseau, who aided us in various behind the scenes, administrative tasks that we would have otherwise been lost without. Lastly, thank you to all who submitted to the Honors Journal and shared your talents with us. With great pleasure, we present the Spring 2020 Honors Journal issue. 




Tatum DeMarco and Samaria Sylvester

Co-Executive Editors

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