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Harry Pham

"the Wave"

The wave came over me 

Drowned and set me back at bay. 

I longed to arrive upon my treasure. 

So close, yet so far 

How did it come to this? 

I swam and conquered many hardships before, And yet Defeat is sitting next to me for comfort. I refused. 

Defeat tempted me to remain at bay. 

But my heart longed for something more. 

I stood up, looked into the distance. 

The wave came again, I braced myself. 

I leaped in, to swim once again to reach my destination I was pushed back slightly by the wave that crashed on me. But I kept swimming. 

For what felt like ages, I finally saw the land 

X marked the spot. 

Tiredness greeted me along with Satisfaction. I came out on top. 

As I looked behind me, from a distance I can see That even Defeat cheered for my great feat.

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